Display Experimental Trajectory Data in Pathfinder Results Viewer

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Created with software version: 2020.1

The video below guides you through the example shown in this post.

1. Introduction

This post demonstrates an undocumented feature in Pathfinder for visualizing experimental trajectory data in the Result Viewer. You can download the zip file seyfreid_trajectory_demo.zip which containts an example Pathfinder file and experimental data file used in this post here.

2. Steps

The following steps will guide you through how to visualize experimental trajectory data in Pathfinder.

  1. Format the trajectory data in a plain text file with agent data in the following format:

    person# frame# x y z

  2. Place your trajectory data file in the same folder as the Pathfinder results.
  3. Setup a model like you normally would to define the navigation surfaces, but with only one agent in the simulation.
  4. Run the simulation.
  5. Edit the resulting PFR file in a text editor so it has the following lines:

    AnimFile=[trajectory_file].txt TrajFramerate=16 TrajRot=90 TrajScale=.01 TrajOffsetX=0 TrajOffsetY=-1.7 TrajOffsetZ=0 TrajZOverride=0

    The values for each of these parameters are example values only. You will need to modify these values to align the trajectory data display with your individual model or video data.

    The parameters are defined as:

    TrajFramerate - Sets the number of data frames per second.
    TrajRot - Rotates all of the data trajectories by the number of degrees specified.
    TrajScale - Multiplies the data x,y and z values by the factor specified.
    TrajOffset[X,Y,Z] - Translates the x,y,z values by this amount, specified in meters.
    TrajZOverride - Sets all of the Z values in the data to the value specified in meters.

    The transformations of the experimental data are applied in this order:

    1. Scale
    2. Rotate
    3. Translate
  1. Double-click the *.pfr file to visualize in the 3D Results.

To download the most recent version of Pathfinder, please visit the Pathfinder Support page and click the link for the current release. If you have any questions, please contact support@thunderheadeng.com

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