PyroSim 2023.2.0816

Faster FDS modeling with professional results

Version: 2023.2.0816

August 16, 2023

What's New

This release adds additional support for FDS 6.8.0, preparations for upcoming changes in FDS 7, UI improvements, and bug fixes.

This version of PyroSim is designed for FDS version 6.8.0 and uses version 11.0.16_8 of the OpenJDK Java VM.

HVAC Duct Waypoints

The latest FDS release added a new feature called HVAC Waypoints. This feature lets you define the path of physical ducts in 3D space and link them to a duct in the simplified 'node-network' HVAC submodel. Currently, this feature is utilized to visualize the path in Smokeview. In the future, support will also be added to display this information in Results.

Table of Waypoint coordinates for an HVAC Duct.
Table of Waypoint coordinates for an HVAC Duct.

Automatic Pressure Zone Creation

The previous FDS release added a new feature that automatically creates pressure zones in disconnected volumes to improve simulation stability. However this feature caused problems for models with small empty spaces, like those between floors or inside walls, resulting in errors and numerical instabilities. The FDS 6.8+ release fixed this problem by allowing users to set a minimum zone volume threshold. This threshold determines the size at which blanking cells are used instead of creating a very small pressure zone. In PyroSim, you can now adjust this threshold value and also turn off the automatic pressure zone creation function.

Zones tab for new configuration parameters.
Zones tab for new configuration parameters.

Improved 3D Heat Transfer

We updated PyroSim's 3D Heat Transfer (HT3D) by improving the 'Layered Surface' type. Instead of having to select a separate surface type, you can now select the Heat Transfer Model that best fits your requirements from inside of a Layered Surface. For the 3D option, you can specify multiple material components within a single 'layer' for that surface type. If you have multiple layered surfaces, you can choose between the default 1D option or the 3D option, where heat transfer is restricted to the surface's normal direction.

Another improvement is that PyroSim will use the smallest mesh cell size in the model as the starting point or default value for the 3D Heat Transfer cell size. You can edit this later, but it provides a good basis for transferring heat between the gas and solid surface.

New UI for Heat Transfer Model selection.
New UI for Heat Transfer Model selection.

Improved Built-in Species Search and Creation

The latest FDS release significantly expands the built-in database of recognized gas species. PyroSim now offers a convenient search feature for creating these new species. Additionally, PyroSim has been improved to automatically generate a fuel species based on a specified formula in a reaction. This enhancement helps ensure that your models are compatible with a recent breaking change in FDS. Now, all reactions must reference a fuel species and cannot define the fuel molecule within the reaction itself.

New search tool for Species built into FDS.
New search tool for Species built into FDS.

UI Improvements

There have been a number of improvements to the look of PyroSim, Pathfinder and Ventus.

Modernized look across all products.
Modernized look across all products.

This includes a new default theme for all products. In addition, a modern look and feel, the new theme improves support for multiple monitors with different display scales.

Additionally, all products now use the native Windows File Chooser for file opens and saves. This enhances integration with cloud-based document management systems and enables users to quickly find files by copying and pasting file paths.

All Changes since PyroSim 2023.1.0524:

Improved FDS Support
  • Added support for global HVAC output quantities (Output->HVAC Output). Currently, these can only be visualized in Smokeview.
  • Added support for HVAC WAYPOINTS.
  • Added support for MINIMUM_ZONE_VOLUME and NO_PRESSURE_ZONES parameters.
  • Added support for 3D Heat Transfer surfaces.
  • Removed Heat Transfer 3D as a dedicated Surface type.
  • Added Heat Transfer 3D properties to Layered Surface.
  • Added 367 new predefined species.
UI Improvements
  • Added a Theme menu to the View menu.
  • Added a Classic Theme.
  • Added a Light Theme.
  • Changed the default Theme to Light.
  • Updated File Chooser dialogs to use the system's native dialog.
  • Updated the Record View's syntax highlighting colors.
General Changes
  • Changed default simulation end time to 0.001 seconds, and added a prompt if the user does not change the simulation time.
  • Added Radiative Heat Flux Gas to the list of allowed Temporal Statistics.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the 3d View to become skewed when zooming with the Roam tool if monitor scaling is not set to 100%.
  • Fixed a bug that could allow imported CAD material/appearance parameters to have invalid values, which could cause display artifacts.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause a crash when showing a file chooser dialog.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when showing a file chooser dialog if the user has a remote drive mapped, but not accessible.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause crushed text fields in some dialogs if monitor scaling is not set to 100%.

Changes to Results:

  • Added display of Triggers.
  • Added support for scripted changes to the visibility of Imported Geometry over time as set up in Pathfinder.
  • Added Output Cell Region to the View options to change the visibility of output data in gas-phase cells, solid-phase, or both.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where 2D Slices, Isosurfaces, and Points created from 3D Slices and Plot3D output and saved in the Visualization file would be missing when the file is re-opened.

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Learn the Fundamentals

  • Create Models
  • Define Fires
  • Define Scenarios
  • Analyze Results