PyroSim 2022.3.1208

Faster FDS modeling with professional results

Version: 2022.3.1208

December 8, 2022

What's New

This release brings improvements to Navigation, Controls, and FDS Support in PyroSim, as well as UX and Visual improvements in Results.

This version of PyroSim is designed for FDS version 6.7.9 and uses version 1.8.0_302 of the OpenJDK Java VM.

Changes since PyroSim 2022.2.0803

Drawing Tools
  • Added support for middle mouse button panning when using 3D tools.
  • Added support for PID, Percentile, and ATan math control functions.
  • Logic control devices can now be used as inputs to other logic control devices.
  • User input conflicting intermediate controls are no longer inserted in chains of control records.
FDS Support
  • Zone geometry is now based on a single 3d point as required in FDS 6.7.8 and beyond.
  • Updated the default Obscuration value for Smoke Detectors.
  • Added support for defining flow measuring devices as prescribed in FDS 6.7.8 and beyond.
  • Added support for custom 2D and 3D Slice IDs.
  • Added support for the ADIABATIC SURFACE TEMPERATURE GAS Quantity.
  • Added support for importing glTF 2.0 (Graphics Language Transmission Format)
General Changes
  • Fixed a bug that allowed users to apply the PERIODIC FLOW ONLY Surface to Obstructions.
  • Replaced the Orientation field with Normal of Solid for Solid-Phase devices in Tool Properties.
  • Fixed a bug where root nodes in the navigation tree could be renamed.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from applying the Default Surface to single faces of Obstructions.
  • Updated the default Reaction property library to include built-in FDS reactions.
  • Updated references in the default Reaction property library.
  • Fixed a bug where invalid SPEC_IDs were allowed in imported HVAC Filter records.
  • Fixed a bug where block geometry might turn inside-out when mirrored across certain planes.
  • Fixed a bug that led to the wrong default LOSS value being applied for HVAC LEAK elements.
Changes to Results
  • Added a display of the selected occupant ID in the information bar when selecting occupants in Results.
  • Added the Find Occupant by ID dialog to find occupants in Results.
  • Updated the skybox dialog to make live updates to the scene. The skybox toolbar button now opens the dialog instead of showing/hiding the skybox.
  • Improved lighting when using image-based lighting and high dynamic range (HDR) skybox images with bright light sources.
  • Added a dialog for editing the colorbar for occupant colorings.
  • Made the colorbar for the active occupant coloring visible.
  • Added new occupant contours for Congestion and Congestion[Maximum].
  • Added a new occupant color By Congestion.
  • Fixed a bug where background images cannot be shown.

NOTE: This is a patch release to fix a significant bug found in the 2022.3.1207 build that was removed from this site.
The bug was to click the Orbit or Roam tool and then single left-click in the modeling window, and PyroSim would crash. We released this patch release the following day to eliminate frustration, and potential data loss, with a bug that would likely be experienced frequently.

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Learn the Fundamentals

  • Create Models
  • Define Fires
  • Define Scenarios
  • Analyze Results