PyroSim 2010.2.1114

Faster FDS modeling with professional results

Version: 2010.2.1114

November 15, 2010

What's New

PyroSim now includes FDS version 5.5.3 and Smokeview version 5.6.

For more information on FDS 5.5.3, please read the FDS release notes.

New Changes:

  • Updated PyroSim to match various input file changes since the last supported version of FDS.
  • Added an option to write-protect the current model.
  • Added support for STL file import.
  • The 64-bit version of Smokeview is now bundled with the 64-bit version of PyroSim and FDS.
  • PyroSim will now automatically create a copy of the last successfully opened PSM file. This option can be disabled in the Preferences dialog.
  • Added support for INIT records.
  • The drop-down box used to select gas-phase quantities is now more concise.
  • Fixed a bug that caused PyroSim to crash when the latest NVIDIA driver (v260) is installed and the Threaded Optimization option is set to Auto.
  • Fixed a bug that occurred when trying to create a gas-phase device while using English units.
  • Added a 64-bit OpenMP executable.
  • When importing FDS input files, PyroSim will now correctly read integer values that have been written with a decimal.
  • Particle clouds now support periodic injection of particles.
  • Reorganized the Preferences dialog into multiple tabs.
  • In the Preferences dialog, PyroSim now displays the version of selected FDS executables.
  • In the About dialog, PyroSim now displays the supported version of FDS.
  • In the Simulation Parameters dialog, the baroclinic torque option is no longer reversed.
  • In the Surface dialog, Heat Release Rate was renamed Heat Release Rate per Area.
  • Fixed a bug that caused MPI authorization to fail when using a blank password.
  • Fixed a bug that caused PyroSim to crash after a mouse drag action in the Tree View.
  • Fixed a bug in the EVAC dependency system that suppressed the replacement prompt when deleting in-use records.
  • Fixed some usability issues with the table editors.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Convert to Blocks to crash when converting objects with zero area.
  • When converting solids to blocks, the resulting internal surfaces will match the external surface.
  • Changed the PyroSim launcher. VM arguments are now prefixed individually with -J rather than -vmargs.
  • Fixed a bug that caused certain rotated geometry to display an incorrect surface mapping in the Properties dialog.
  • Convert to blocks, when merging, now takes into account object names and visibility.
  • Updated the defaults for particles as per FDS updates. This prevents FDS crashes when using fuel sprays.
  • When importing FDS5 input files, RGB values between 0.0 and 1.0 are reinterpreted on the 0-255 scale.
  • When PyroSim detects a PSM file was saved with a newer version, it will no longer attempt to open the file.
  • When attempting to open a damaged PSM file, users will now be prompted to open an autosave or backup file.

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Learn the Fundamentals

  • Create Models
  • Define Fires
  • Define Scenarios
  • Analyze Results