Pathfinder 2023.1.0524

Pedestrian movement clarity without complexity

Version: 2023.1.0524

May 17, 2023

What's New

This release provides stability and performance improvements.

This version of Pathfinder uses version 11.0.16_8 of the OpenJDK Java VM.

This is a patch release for the 2023.1 version of Pathfinder. For a full list of changes since Pathfinder 2022.3, see Pathfinder 2023.1.0426.

Changes since Pathfinder 2023.1.0426:

  • Fixed a bug that could cause a crash if the user created an Occupant Source with no valid intervals
  • Fixed a bug that could cause Attractor usage to be too high when an Occupant has different susceptibility for idling and seeking
  • Fixed a bug that would cause unparseable number errors in international versions
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when using high DPI monitors

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Learn the Fundamentals

  • Create Models
  • Define Profiles
  • Add Occupants
  • Analyze Results