Pathfinder 2022.1.0413
Pedestrian movement clarity without complexity

Version: 2022.1.0413
April 13, 2022
What's New
This release adds new features and bug fixes.
This version of Pathfinder uses version 1.8.0_302 of the OpenJDK Java VM.
Changes since Pathfinder 2021.4.1201:
General Improvements
- When using FDS output integration, occupant movement speed in smoke can now be configured on a per-profile and per-occupant basis. More explicit control and additional options are now available for the speed function.
- Added Obstacles, which can change the speed modifier for a sub-portion of the navigation mesh over time. Occupants can avoid or completely re-route around obstacles depending on the strength of the speed modifier.
- Added a label with the total number of occupants produced by an occupant source to the Flow Rate editor dialog.
- Simulator mode added to crash log.
- Significantly decreased the time to perform basic actions on many objects, including changing selection or visibility.
- Clarified warning for occupants overlapping room boundaries when running a model.
- Added preference to prevent always nagging for additional information on crash.
- Added a warning when refuge rooms are not large enough to accommodate all occupants.
- Fixed a bug where deleting floors could leave dangling objects in the profile Restricted Components list.
- Modified the measurement tool so it can take multiple measurements when pinned.
- Added the ability to set a default preference for writing snapshots.
- Added the ability to click and drag to rotate new occupants.
- Fixed crash that ocurred in Edit Vehicle Shapes dialog when cutting the pivot table entry and undoing.
- Fixed bug in Edit Vehicle Shapes dialog where undoing would always clear the redo stack.
- Measurement regions, occupant sources, and imported geometry will no longer block the occupant-drawing tools from placing occupants.
- Fixed a bug that could cause inferred stairs to incorrectly identify up/down travel direction which could lead to using the wrong fundamental diagram for non-SFPE stair speed profiles.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash during the simulation if a license error is detected.
- Fixed a bug that nav tree view rename editor activates unexpectedly.
- Added support for generating occupants and profiles based on IFC parameters exported by the Evac4BIM Revit plugin.
Monte Carlo Improvements
- Changed the output format to
to remove the gnuplots dependency. - Fixed the bug where
would exceed Window's command prompt line string limitation. - Added an ALL row with aggregate summary data to output files.
Material and Lighting Improvements
- Added support for advanced material parameters packed into a single texture (sometimes used for PBR parameters).
- Added options in the import dialog for
files to convert basic lighting materials to PBR materials. These will be filled automatically when selectingUnreal Engine
as the software that exported an FBX file. - Fixed a bug where materials might appear mostly black if they specify an unsupported normal texture.
- Added support for all DDS image formats (was causing original problem with black materials).
- Improved lighting quality when using normal maps.
- Greatly reduced the load times for HDR and compressed DDS images.
- Fixed a bug where HDR images were too dark.
- Added the full list of supported image types to the file chooser in the material dialog. Only a subset of supported types were shown previously.
- Added an option to invert a material's ambient occlusion texture values.
- Added masking options for materials.
- Improved rendering of foliage (e.g. leaves, trees, grass, etc) by using automatic masking detection.
- Fixed a bug when importing CAD files where bump maps were being ignored.
- Improved the appearance of very glossy PBR materials.
- Improved reflections on glossy, translucent materials, such as glass.
Changes to Results:
General Improvements
- Significantly decreased the time to select or deselect many objects at once.
- Changed the selection stipple pattern to improve compatibility with SMAA.
- Added the ability to view the model object hierarchy from within Results.
- Added the ability to view Queues in Results.
- Added the ability to make Alt+click select object's parent.
Material and Lighting Improvements
- Added support for advanced material parameters packed into a single texture (sometimes used for PBR parameters).
- Fixed a bug where materials might appear mostly black if they specify an unsupported normal texture.
- Added support for all DDS image formats (was causing original problem with black materials).
- Improved lighting quality when using normal maps.
- Greatly reduced the load times for HDR and compressed DDS images.
- Fixed a bug where HDR images were too dark, which could also cause the scene to appear too dark when using an HDR image as the skybox and when image-based lighting is enabled.
- Improved rendering of foliage (e.g. leaves, trees, grass, etc) by using automatic masking detection.
- Improved the appearance of very glossy PBR materials when image-based lighting is disabled.
- Improved reflections on glossy, translucent materials, such as glass.
Questions about activating your license?
We have answers
Use one of the links below for information about activating your license

Tutorials and support ready to help you advance
Learn the Fundamentals
- Create Models
- Define Profiles
- Add Occupants
- Analyze Results