Pathfinder 2017.2.0301
Pedestrian movement clarity without complexity

Version: 2017.2.0301
March 1, 2017
What's New
This release adds import support for PyroSim 2017, adds a new behavior to wait until a specified time, and improves the flexibility of stairs and doors to simplify working with imperfect CAD data.
This version of Pathfinder uses version 1.8.0_112 of the Java VM.
Pathfinder 2017.2 uses an updated version of Thunderhead License Manager. Floating license customers should download an updated license manager from the Pathfinder download page and install on their license server machine. The license manager installer will replace the old license manager and re-use existing license files. Older versions of Pathfinder will continue to work with the updated license manager.
Changes since Pathfinder 2017.1.0116:
- Stairs and doors are now able to connect rooms and landings that do not quite align. This prevents difficulty in several cases that arise when working with imported CAD geometry.
- Occupants can now wait until a specific simulation time to improve group coordination and mass arrivals/departures.
- Updated PSM import libraries to support files created by PyroSim 2017.
- Updated the Java VM from version 1.8.0_60 to version 1.8.0_112 (see Java release notes).
- Fixed a bug that could cause Pathfinder to crash when importing geometry with the Flatten Objects option enabled.
- Fixed a bug that could cause Pathfinder to crash when dragging objects in the tree view.
- Fixed a bug that could cause Pathfinder to crash when displaying time history plots and the CSV output file is empty.
- Fixed a bug that could cause extra points to appear along edges of imported room geometry.
- Fixed a bug that could cause "Not opened for write" errors to prevent CAD import.
- Fixed a bug that could cause "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException" errors to prevent CAD import.
- Fixed a bug that could cause rooms to be deleted when using the Separate command.
- Fixed a bug that made it difficult to select doors, ramps, and stairs because of selection precedence.
- Fixed a bug that prevented Undo/Redo for the Add a Behavior action.
- Fixed a bug that could cause incorrect door distance calculation if a point goal was located on the same mesh triangle as the incoming door edge of a different room.
- Fixed a bug that could cause occupants to become stuck when counterflowing at a door.
- Fixed a bug that could cause Pathfinder to crash when updating the 3D and 2D views.
- Fixed a bug that could cause Pathfinder to crash when selecting more than 65536 items using the box select tool. Now the selection limit is over 2 billion items.
- Fixed a bug in FDS slice results visualization that could occur when using negative start times.
- Fixed a bug in density results visualization that prevented the feathering value from working correctly.
Questions about activating your license?
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Use one of the links below for information about activating your license

Tutorials and support ready to help you advance
Learn the Fundamentals
- Create Models
- Define Profiles
- Add Occupants
- Analyze Results