Pathfinder 2016.1.0229

Pedestrian movement clarity without complexity

Version: 2016.1.0229

February 29, 2016

What's New

This update adds import support for FBX and OBJ files and adds detailed occupant exposure tracking based on FDS output.

This version of Pathfinder uses version 1.8.0_60 of the Java VM.

Changes since Pathfinder 2015.2.1012:

  • Added import support for FBX files.
  • Added import support for OBJ files.
  • Added occupant exposure tracking based on FDS output data.
  • Added measurement regions to track occupant density and velocity within rectangular areas.
  • Snap Grid spacing is now saved with Pathfinder models.
  • The 3D Results now correctly display image transparency.
  • Fixed a bug that could create rooms disconnected from other model elements.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause results to vary between running from Pathfinder and running from the testsim.bat script.
  • Fixed a bug that could result in Pathfinder generating non-deterministic results.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when recording results as uncrompressed WMV files.
  • Fixed a bug that could result in doors not appearing in the simulator or results.
  • Fixed a bug where slower occupants were not being passed.

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Learn the Fundamentals

  • Create Models
  • Define Profiles
  • Add Occupants
  • Analyze Results