Pathfinder 2012.1.0824

Pedestrian movement clarity without complexity

Version: 2012.1.0824

August 24, 2012

What's New

This is a maintenance release of Pathfinder 2012.

This version includes updates to the simulation summary file.

This version of Pathfinder uses version 1.6.0_31 of the Java VM.

Changes since Pathfinder 2012.1.0802:

  • In the simulation summary file, total occupants and last out times are now printed separately from the node detail table and the summary row was removed from the node detail table.
  • If occupants are removed mid-simulation (e.g. an occupant cannot fit through a door), the simulation summary file will now specify how many occupants exited, did not start, and did not finish the simulation.
  • Translations have been updated for localized versions.

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Learn the Fundamentals

  • Create Models
  • Define Profiles
  • Add Occupants
  • Analyze Results