Pathfinder 2011.1.0921

Pedestrian movement clarity without complexity

Version: 2011.1.0921

September 21, 2011

What's New

This release includes several updates and bug fixes for Pathfinder 2011.

Changes since Pathfinder 2011.0.0711:

  • Fixed a bug related in the string-pulling algorithm that could cause simulations to hang.
  • For supported international locales, the main user interface and 3D results will now automatically detect and load locale-appropriate text.
  • The floor extraction tool now uses a "gap tolerance" which is editable via the properties panel. This gap tolerance prevents the extraction tool from flowing through - small gaps in the imported geometry.
  • Fixed a bug in the 3D results related to locales that use a comma as a decimal separator. In some cases, the 3D results was incorrectly parsing resource files that were saved using US decimal separators and this led display instabilities.
  • When the main UI creates images of imported geometry for use by the 3D results, an alternate file name will be used if an image exists with different data.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented PTH files containing images from being loaded with the current version.
  • Improved an error message when running the simulation. Users will now be directed to look at the tree for additional information about errors.

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Learn the Fundamentals

  • Create Models
  • Define Profiles
  • Add Occupants
  • Analyze Results